There are plenty of products available in the market to increase penis size. From penis enlargement oil to extenders to pills and medicines, you have everything at your disposal. Different people have different choices and different logic and they choose the one specific to their choice. In India penis enlargement oil has been used since centuries by ancient Hakims and Vaidyas and even today it is one of the most commonly brought item by people who want to add a few extra inches to their size. But does it really work? Is it better than the other options available for penile enlargement. What should you use to get the maximum effect? Lets find out!
In our quest to find out the best way to enlarge the penis size we took three groups of volunteers. Each group had three males in the age group of 25-35, all married and willing to add some extra inches. Health wise the chosen volunteers were all of similar health status. We started the trials for three months and noted down the results on the following criteria:
- Safety
- Efficacy
- Patient Compliance (ease of use)
- and Final Result (after stoppage of the therapy given)
First group was given a commonly used penis enlargement oil (a brand which is advertised almost daily in the newspapers) to be applied locally over the penile shaft as per the instructions of the manufacturer.
Second group of volunteers was advised vacuum pump devises. These are cylindrical devices with vacuum generating properties. They are simply applied to the penis and vacuum is created which pulls the penile tissues.
The third group was given herbal penis enlargement pills for oral use. Here are the findings we got after three months.
- Group “A”- (On Penis Enlargement Oil Therapy) : Out of the the three none of the volunteers got any signinificant improvement in their size after three months. In fact the volunteers confessed to have misseed many massage sessions during this period due to non availability of space and family resons. It was also reported that the use of this oil led to a very severe burning sensation and itching over the shaft of the penis. The itching was sometimes so intense that the volunteers had to take medication to get rid of it. They also reported increase in penile nerves sensitivity which led to premature ejaculation at times.
- Group “B” – (On Vacuum Pump Device Therapy) : In this case out of the three two volunteers found increase in length of their organ by 1-1.5 inches. No increase in width was noted. Unfortunately the third volunteer injured his nerve and tissues due to wrong use of the devise. There was severe pain and inflammation in this case and he had no choice but to stop using the device. UPDATE: Within just two days of stopping this procedure the size of the penis returned to normal. It was found that the increase in size was just the stretching effect of the vacuum and there was no solid tissue development.
- Group “C” – (On Herbal Penile Enhancement Pills) : This group was given X-tra Large Penis Enlargement Capsules twice a day for three months without any gap. After completion of the course two of the three volunteers reported excellent growth. They got a whooping 2 and 2.7 inches increase in length respectively. The width in the both the cases also improved by almost 20%. The third volunteer reported slightly lower growth of 1.5 inches but that too was satisfactory for him since he already had 6.5 inches in length. All of the three also reported increase in overall health, energy and stamina. They were able to last longer in bed and much more able to satisfy their partners. UPDATE: Even after three weeks of stopping the medicines there was no decrease in length or width. And the overall performance got even better with time.
Conclusion: This three months trial course of the three different methods led us to the conclusion that penis enlargement oil is the worst of the three methods used for enlargement purpose. Not only there was no significant improvement in length or width but also there were some serious side effects with this. Patient compliance was also the least with oil as it requires lot of time and effort. The vacuum device scored second in terms of increase in length but there was no improvement in width with this. Also the enlargement was more of an elongation or stretching which comes back to normal as soon as you stop this. This method also requires adequate training and precaution before use otherwise it may damage the nerves and tissues.
Oral penis enlargement supplements topped the charts in almost all spheres. There was significant increase in length and girth along with improvement in overall health and sexual function.
So if you are thinking of using penis enlargement oil in near future, think twice. Look for better, safer and more effective options.
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