Erectile dysfunction is the inability to attain, maintain or retain hardness in the penis after sexual excitation. The problem is sometimes also referred to as impotence but that is actually complete absence of hardness inside the penis even after full sexual excitation. Erectile dysfunction is a common problem among men and almost 90% of the male population face this problem at least once in their life.
The main problem of erectile dysfunction is due to improper rushing of blood in the penis vessels which is required to erect the penis. Actually the brain releases NO (nitric oxide) in to the blood after sexual excitation which dilates the penile blood vessels and forces the flow of blood inside the penis. The blood vessels of the penis gets engorged with blood which swells and hardens the surrounding spongy muscles and tissues resulting in erection. As soon as ejaculation happens after sex, the release of NO (nitric oxide) is stopped and blood flows out of the penis resulting in the penis coming back to the normal state.
ED can be permanent or it can be transient. If the problem is transient it passes off by itself after some time or when the person’s mental stress and anxiety settles down with time. While in permanent type the problem is serious and may have an underlying cause which may be hard to correct. In such cases a thorough clinical examination and tests are required for proper treatment.
Erectile dysfunction can be very disappointing for a man. Since this is the only thing that can prevent him from feeling confident in front of his lady. It doesn’t matter what the social status of the man is, it doesn’t matter how well he does in his daily life and it also doesn’t matter how much he earns. If a man has ED he is considered an underachiever by his lady. If not treated properly erectile dysfunction can have a very serious impact on a marriage. We have seen hundreds of such cases where the cause of divorce and domestic violence was just ED.
But the good news is that Erectile Dysfunction ED can be treated effectively at any age. It doesn’t matter for how long you have been suffering from this problem, it also doesn’t matter how much you have already spent on your treatment …. the good news is you can get a normal erection without any medicine in future. How? With the help of our highly specialized treatment plans! You just need to complete the course of treatment as advised for 2-3 months. Once you compete the treatment you will never need to have any pill or medicine for getting an erection. That’s the power of our treatment.
Erection is the backbone of satisfactory sex life. Without a hard erection sex is incomplete. Unfortunately millions of men are suffering from erectile dysfunction all over the world. According to a study almost all men experience erection problems at some point in their life. And while there are many types of treatments available in the market including pumps, vacuum devises etc, herbal treatments and medicines remains the most popular choice among men for its cure. This is specially true because this is the easiest, economical and most effective type of treatment for permanent cure of erectile dysfunction.
Erectile dysfunction is a condition where the male sex organ is not able to get a proper erection which is a necessary for a satisfactory sexual intercourse. Sometimes the condition is in its initial or primitive stage where the male sex organ attains erection for the initial 2-3 minutes but loses it just after or even before penetration into the vagina.
As of now there are many treatments available in the market for curing erectile dysfunction including the much hyped allopathic medicines like Viagra (Sildenafil Citrate) and Cialis (Tadalafil). But the ground reality is that these drugs produce more harm to your body than they actually benefit you. Most of you must already be aware of the dangerous side effects of these medicines so discussing the side effects of them is out of the scope of this article.
“Enjoy sex to the fullest! Take your love life to a new level with natural erectile dysfunction treatment.”
The world is now in the 21st century with new technologies and facilities at your fingertips. But still millions of men from around the world are suffering from sexual dysfunctions specially ED. Since there is no permanent cure for erectile dysfunction in the modern medicines yet people are looking back to the ancient ayurvedic and unani medicinal systems for their treatment and permanent cure.
The ayurvedic and unani systems of medicines which have over a thousand years of experience and history treating some of the most complicated diseases and syndromes which are still incurable in the modern medicine.
While treating erectile dysfunction, modern medical science tries to give a quick and temporary relief by giving you instant erections artificially. On the other hand natural Ayurvedic and Unani medicines further go deep into the disease and treat the root cause to give you complete cure and permanent relief so you can have natural erections without any side effects.
The ayurvedic and unani practitioners have worked very hard and some of them have even dedicated their whole life to study and evolve an effective natural erectile dysfunction treatment. History reveals that during the ancient times, rulers, Nawabs, Maharajas and zamindars used to keep a large number of unani and ayurvedic physicians in their personal service to rejuvenate their body system & sexual appetite to cope & fulfill the desires of their many wives & mistresses. In those days if the wishes & fantasies of the rulers were not fulfilled then it was certain death. This compelled these herbal practitioners to discover very effective remedies for erectile dysfunction. Present day pioneers of unani and ayurvedic system of medicine have further developed the traditional treatments and formulated very effective & safe remedies for erectile dysfunction and impotence.
According to Dr. S. M. Mehmood “Founder of My Sex Clinic”, nobody is too old for treatment and to enjoy the God given pleasures of life. With the help of unani and ayurvedic medicines even older Nawabs, sultans & maharajas married to young girl to demonstrate their vigor and vitality in ancient times.
Our Natural erectile dysfunction treatment is a course of medicines which consists of rare Bhasmas, Rasayans & Herbo-mineral combinations. They have been researched and analyzed by the modern scientists with proven effectiveness in curing erectile dysfunction. One of the most remarkable benefit of our natural treatment for erectile dysfunction is that once strong erections are restored, they are almost always long termed and there are no negative side effects as well.
At My Sex Clinic we have some very good natural remedies for erectile dysfunction. Please check out our online store to see our natural ayurvedic medicines for erectile dysfunction and other related sexual dysfunctions. Apart from this we also provide customized tailor made treatment solutions for those who have tried all sorts of pills and medicines but have not found any relief. For such persons, we will specially formulate a strong treatment package under the personal supervision of our herbalists and sexologists. In such cases special care is taken in selecting the ingredients and the herbal medicines to suit the concerned persons needs and requirements. The Rasayans and Bhasmas are treated with maximum care to yield maximum results.
Our Customized Natural Treatment Plan for Erectile Dysfunction, and ayurvedic medicines for erectile dysfunction have been the most successful for thousands of men suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED). This is a specialized and customized program that gives you 100% natural and safe herbal supplements manufactured in-house under direct supervision of our Sexologists and Herbalists. If you have lost all hopes this is your chance to revive your life and enjoy the God given pleasures of life at any age.
All treatment packages are formulated after a deep study of your personal case through online consultation. Our Sexologists and Herbalists then formulate a treatment plan based on your specific needs.
How Our Customized Natural Treatment Plans Work:
- You send your online consultation form
- Your consultation is reviewed by our doctors who suggest either a customized treatment plan for you or just a single medicine whichever best suits your condition.
- Once we receive your consent, your treatment plan is initiated.
- Herbal Ayurvedic medicines are manufactured at our own laboratory under strict supervision of our doctors and herbalists.
- Package is shipped and you get your package right at your doorstep!
For a customized treatment solution for your sex problems please contact us
Thousands of patients having erectile dysfunction have been cured with ayurvedic medicines. Now its your turn. Turn your dreams into reality. Live every day and every night to the fullest with natural erectile dysfunction treatment. You have suffered enough … now is the time to live free! Live sexy!