Every now and then I am asked by my patients “Will this herbal or ayurvedic medicine interfere with my chances of producing an offspring?” Sometimes people ask “Will it lower my sperm count in future?” And my answer is always in the negative “no it ill not, not at all!”.
I don’t understand from where people get this kind of perception in their mind? How could an ayurvedic medicine which is meant for treating sexual dysfunctions can reduce sperm count? This is totally ridiculous. But when I got these queries continuously from my patients I realized the need to investigate. After months of research and investigations and questioning my patients I came to know the following :
1. There are hundreds of online clinics and pharmacies available in India and abroad which are selling fake, low quality sex enhancement products.
2. There are only a handful of online clinics and pharmacies in India which are genuine and sell legitimate products.
3. The fact is that over 80% of the people searching the internet are captured by these false clinics and self proclaimed experts. These companies pay huge attention to the online advertising and search engine marketing which leads innocent people to get trapped easily.
4. The medicines these clinics and websites provide to their customers are adulterated with harmful chemicals and allopathic medicines like viagra, dapoxitine, cialis etc. If the patient consumes such medicines for a long time he is bound to get severe side effects over time.
5. 80% of the patients get trapped by these fake sites and get to consume the adulterated medicines. Since these medicines have harmful chemicals, heavy metals and allopathic medicines in them which may produce serious side effects to the patient including permanently damaging the reproductive system and causing impotence or low testosterone levels and low sperm counts etc. This is the reason why there is a general perception being made in the mind of people that all the ayurvedic or herbal sex enhancement medicines cause impotence / dependence or low sperm count.
So what should you do to avoid being trapped by the so called doctors or false online clinics. Well, its very simple but still most people overlook these things. Here is a brief idea of how you can get an alarming thought when you are looking for a reliable source of treatment online. Whenever you go to an online website look for the following :
1. Name of the company and its address. This is basic thing that should be present clearly over the website’s contact page. If someone is hiding behind the scene, it means there is something fishy out there. Never trust someone who is not comfortable showing their true name and address to the public.
2. Contact Number. A contact number should be there where you can call the company directly. If a contact number is present it always wise to call and make sure that you get relevant answers to all your queries.
3. It is also important to check if they give full details of their doctor / doctors or in charge in chief or owner. If a photograph is present it is a good sign of reliability. Remember no cheaters or quack will ever post his details online. Because it can lead him to be tracked easily.
4. Visitors, messages and communication : It is also important to read reviews, comments and queries posted by other visitors. Try to interact with the site owners and if possible, fellow visitors through comments or email before giving away your hard earned money.
I am sure if you keep these points in mind when searching the internet you will always be safe and a mile away from fraudulent sites. If you have an experience you want to share or you have any other idea you think is beneficial for all of us please share in the comments section below.
Have a safe internet experience!
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